Special thanks to students from Ms. FuMei Tsai's Chinese program at Mandela International Magnet School and the Santa Fe High School Choir for performing at last night's Board Meeting! Great job, all!
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Mandela student dancing in board room
3 Santa fe High School students signing
Mandela student dancing with phone in foreground
Santa Fe High Administration, Staff and Teachers would like to Thank parents and student for attending last night’s open house. Also, thank you to SFHS Band and Cheer Team for the warm welcome. We had a great turnout, and we can say it was a total success.
over 2 years ago, Gina Branch
Demon Cheer 2022  Demon Pride Band 2022
Parent/Guardians, We will be hosting the Santa Fe High School OPEN HOUSE on AUG. 31st at 6pm-7:30pm. It will be in the Santa Fe High School plaza. It will be a great opportunity for you to come to SFHS and meet your child's teachers and check out the many clubs and organization that we offer. Hope to see you there.
over 2 years ago, Gina Branch
The SFPS Weekly Bulletin is here! https://conta.cc/3QvlmDv
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
SFPS Weekly Bulletin logo
The Santa Fe Public Schools wants to ensure each student has a device they can use both at school and at home for the upcoming school year and the first day of school for most students is Wednesday, August 17, 2022. Students in Pre-K and kindergarten will use iPads, students in grades 1 through 12 will use Chromebooks. There are just 3 days remaining for students to stop by the Technology Drive Thru to complete device exchanges or new device pickups. Today (08/12/2022): 9 AM to 5:30 PM Monday (08/15/2022): 9 AM to 5 PM Tuesday (08/16/2022): 9 AM to 5 PM The Technology Drive Thru is located at 2516 Cerrillos Road. The street to the Technology Department is next to the skate park on Camino Carlos Rey. - Students NEW to Santa Fe Public Schools should come to the Technology Drive Thru to pick up their new iPad or Chromebook. - Students who were in kindergarten last school year and will be in 1st grade this school year, need to exchange their iPad for a Chromebook. They must bring their iPad and charger for the exchange. - Students who will be in grades 2 through 9 this school year, need to exchange their old Chromebooks. They must bring their old Chromebook and charger for the exchange. - Returning students, who will be in grades 10 through 12, will NOT need to exchange their Chromebooks. On the day of device exchange or pickup, a parent/guardian must be in the vehicle with a valid driver’s license or other official photo ID along with your child's Santa Fe Public Schools Student ID Number. Please call 505-467-4357 should you have any questions. Please note that the Drive Thru will be closed each day from 1 to 2 PM. Additionally, the Drive Thru will shut down early in the event of inclement weather such as thunder, lightning for the safety of families and staff.
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
stack of chromebooks
The Weekly Bulletin is BACK for the 2022-23 school year! View the August 12th bulletin: https://conta.cc/3QkZ8Ux
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
SFPS Weekly Bulletin logo
2022-23 Bus Routes are here! Check your students' school website to view the routes, or visit https://www.sfps.info/documents/departments/transportation/2022-2023-bus-routes/362057
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
School Bus Rooftop
Just around the corner from Milagro Middle School is another powerhouse. It is the oldest public high school in New Mexico, founded in 1899 - Home of the Demons - Santa Fe High School. Santa Fe High is a Community School that is heavily involved with parents, alumni, and local businesses which support and provide programs of expanded student internship opportunities to prepare students for a career. SFHS has a strong AP program, a dominant sports program, AVID and Bilingual programs available to help all students toward college and career readiness and a diverse and varied extracurricular system built on a tradition of success and inclusion. Santa Fe High School also offers dual credit offerings, elective opportunities and unique small learning academies that develop strong teacher-student relationships. The small learning academies include: --Innovate Academy, where students take rigorous engineering and computer science courses --Culinary Arts Academy, which offers hospitality and tourism courses, baking and cooking classes --Arts and Humanities Academy, which allows our students to experience courses in choir, band, orchestra, piano, guitar, drama, ceramics and drawing. AP courses include psychology, human geography, art history, government and politics. Extracurricular and club opportunities include: --Marching and Concert Band --Choir --Guitar --Orchestra --Drama --Dance --National Honor Society --Amnesty International, a global movement to end human rights abuses --Science Olympiad, one of the premier science competitions in the nation --Key Club, which seeks to make the world a better place through service --Speech and Debate Club --Bilingual Club --Student Government --Chess --Robotics --Boxing --Yearbook --Newspaper --Thespian Club, an honor society for theater students And a full course of sports teams: --Football --Volleyball --Girls and Boys Soccer --Cross Country --Basketball --Swimming --Diving --Track and Field --Golf --Wrestling --Tennis --Baseball --Softball --Cheer The Santa Fe High Demons aren’t just a legacy in their accomplishments achieved in town through the years, but they are part of the essence that makes the “City Different.”
over 2 years ago, Santa Fe Public Schools
Choose your own Adventure - Santa Fe High School - decorated like an old map
Santa Fe High Demon Volleyball 2022 tryouts will be held in the Toby Roybal Gymnasium (please see schedule below). If you are trying out for Varsity, tryouts are on Thursday, August 11 from 3pm-5pm. If you are trying out for JV, tryouts are on Thursday, August 11 and Friday, August 12 from 5pm-7pm. If you are an incoming freshman, tryouts are on Thursday, August 11 and Friday, August 12 from 4pm-6:30pm. In order to tryout, all paperwork must be submitted through a new online portal, rankonesports.com (link below) before Thursday, August 11. https://santafepublicschools.rankonesport.com/New/NewInstructionsPage.aspx Please bring knee pads, water bottle, running shoes, volleyball shoes and paperwork, if it has not yet been submitted to the online portal by the tryout date.
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
SFHS 9th Grade Orientation 22-23 Parents and students, welcome to your 9th grade year at SFHS! We want to invite you and your student(s) to SFHS to learn more about our campus. SEE SCHEDULE BELOW. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet some of the staff and learn about some of the programs that will help you have a great 9th grade year. We will also have tours so that you can get the layout of our building and classroom locations. Parents, no transportation will be provided, so please plan on dropping off and picking up your student at the appropriate times. ● AUGUST 8TH ○ 5:30pm-Parent meeting for 9th grade parents in Toby Roybal Gym ● AUGUST 9TH ○ 9-11am-Student Orientation(last name A-L) in Toby Roybal Gym ○ 1-3pm-Student Orientation(last name M-Z) in Toby Roybal Gym
over 2 years ago, Gina Branch
SFPS is holding another COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at Santa Fe High! August 11th, 1:30 - 5:30 PM at the Tony Roybal Gym Concourse. Sign up: https://goodtimes.vaccinenm.org/stay-ahead-nm/
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
COVID Vaccination Clinic on August 11th graphic
COVID Vaccination Clinic on August 11th graphic Spanish
Student Nutrition The federal waiver providing free meals to all students ended last year. This year, parents of students at Acequia Madre, Atalaya, Carlos Gilbert, Pinon and Wood Gormley Elementaries, Amy Biehl and El Dorado Community Schools, Mandela International Magnet School and Santa Fe High School will need to fill out an application to determine eligibility for free, reduced-price or full-price meals. Applications may be completed electronically from any device with internet access. We recommend that applications be completed prior to the first day of school. For more information, visit www.myschoolapps.com. For questions, call SFPS’ Student Nutrition office at 505-467-3600
over 2 years ago, Santa Fe Public Schools
Picture of a n apple with a piece cut out of it.
Congratulations to our Class of 2022 Summer Graduates! The summer commencement ceremony was held at the Bryan Fant Theatre at Capital High School this morning, where 33 students crossed the stage and received their high school diploma!
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Capital High School Female fist bumps staff
Superintendent Chavez speaks to graduates at a podium
Male Desert Sage Academy student shakes Assistant Principal Lee's hand
Santa Fe High School Principal Renee Salazar-Garcia speaks to auditorium
The Board of Education is looking for your input on the redistricting of school board member boundaries! This is NOT the rezoning of schools, the change is only to the boundaries of school board members. Learn more: https://www.sfps.info/o/sfps/page/redistricting
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Downtown Santa Fe at dusk
Congratulations to Santa Fe High School for its strong performance on Advanced Placement (AP) Exams in 2022-23. 77% of exam scores were 3 or higher on a 5-point scale, with a 3.4 mean score for all 410 exams. This highest-ever score for the school exceeds the 2021 AP Exams national mean score of 2.80 and score of 3 or higher on 60% of all exams taken. According to The College Board, taking an AP Exam demonstrates commitment to tackling and completing college-level work.
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
student taking an exam
Santa Fe Public Schools has so much to offer. Let us take you on a Journey Through SFPS. Over the next six weeks, we are going to travel across Santa Fe, making a stop every day at a destination (school) to show our voyagers (students) what makes each destination special. Come along for the journey, and Choose Your Adventure at Santa Fe Public Schools.
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Choose Your Adventure Graphic
Hearing the sound of music and drums coming from Santa Fe High? That's because the Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps is practicing before they head on tour! They will be rehearsing their performance tonight at Ivan Head Stadium from 5:30 - 7:30 before they head to Phoenix!
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps
On June 30th the Santa Fe High School Band is hosting the Blue Knights Drum & Bugle Corps from Denver, CO. The Blue Knights are a member of Drum Corps International and are one of the top 10 marching ensembles in the world. They will be rehearsing in the SFHS stadium all day as they begin their summer tour working towards DCI World Championships. We are extremely excited to house a World Class Drum Corps in Santa Fe for the first time in almost two decades. We would like to invite members of the community to visit SFHS that day, to watch the Blue Knights. There is no cost, and audiences of all ages and musical backgrounds will enjoy watching them rehearse. For more information on the Blue Knights, you can visit their website www.ascendperformingarts.org For more information on the Santa Fe High School Band Program, or how to help support our bands, you can visit our website at www.santafebands.com
over 2 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps
The new SFPS Weekly Bulletin is here! https://bit.ly/bulletin5-20
almost 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Wondering what the Air Quality Index is or where the smoke in the air is coming for? You can find out here: https://fire.airnow.gov/#
almost 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski